PDXplorer will create, edit and read data files conforming to the IPC standards for product data exchange (PDX). These standards define the format for data shared between Supply Chain Management (SCM) partners. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) applications typically export PDX packages while downstream Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications import that product data.
PDXplorer offers a clean, straight-forward user interface, coupled with an adaptable data parsing engine. Since PDX files can occasionally have varying attribute values depending upon the implementation, PDXplorer examines each PDX file to determine how best to interpret the data.
Main features:
-PDX compliant. Conforms to product data exchange standards IPC-2571, IPC-2576, IPC-2578
-Read, edit and even create new PDX packages without a connection to another database or application
-Rich Windows® client built on Microsoft® .NET framework supports easy PDX package editing
-Multiple PDX packages can be open at once, and one package can be a data source for another
-Minor changes to IPC standards can be accepted with simple changes to XML-based “personality” files
-Resilient DTD-driven data parsing engine abstracts the PDX data from the user presentation layer, and can read varying implementations of IPC-2571.DTD
-User interface can be tailored or translated using XML-based configuration files
-Compatible with varying file attachment techniques used by Agile Software Agile eXpress, Arena, and OpenVision Software PDXPro
-Flexible printing and data export: package, elements tree and single element attributes
The program offers Integrated Source Control, Issue Tracking & Build Automation.